Home & Garden

Do you know the correct way to clean your pillows?

Most people are diligent about washing their sheets and pillowcases regularly. The quilt or bedspread will also get a turn in the washing machine at least a couple of times a season. But many people forget to wash their pillows, or aren’t sure how to go about doing so. That’s where we come in. We’ve got the best ways to keep your pillows clean without doing damage to them.

Down or fibre-filled pillows

These are the most common kind of pillow used, and are luckily easy enough to wash. You can put them straight into your washing machine. Try to keep your machine balanced by washing two pillows at once. If you have one, a machine without an agitator is best, but not essential. If your machine has an agitator, simply place your pillows in vertically so it’s less likely to be damaged.

Be sure to follow any instructions on your pillow’s care label. If there’s no label, just use warm water and a gentle cycle. You may want to add a cold rinse and spin to make sure no soapy residue remains. You can tumble dry your pillows on a low heat if you like, or leave them in a sunny spot to dry naturally. A dryer will help fluff the insides up a little more, though – especially if you use rubber dryer balls.

Foam pillows

The down side to foam pillows (pun intended) is that you can’t put them into your washing machine. But many of these pillows will come with a detachable cover, which can be washed. Just be sure to follow any instructions on the tag. To remove any dust from your foam pillow, you can use your vacuum cleaner’s upholstery tool. Your other option is to tumble the pillow on a no-heat cycle in the dryer for 20 minutes.

If your pillow has instructions for hand washing, feel free to follow them carefully. But be aware that wet foam can tear easily. Make sure your pillow is completely dry before replacing them on the bed.

PRO TIP: If you fold your pillow in half and it doesn’t spring back into shape, it’s time for a new pillow.

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home, cleaning, pillow, tips