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Top tips for growing cucumbers

Great for tossing into salads or sandwiches (as well as eating straight off the vine), cucumbers are a popular fruit to grow in the garden. Here are our top tips to ensure your cucumbers are delicious, crisp and juicy.


Cucumbers love sun but not necessarily hot conditions. In cool zones, plant in full sun but in areas with particularly harsh summers, some shade with help cucumbers thrive. If conditions are warm and humid, a simple temporary shade will protect plants from the sun as well as reducing the risk of scarring the fruit.


Good soil preparation is vital. Cucumbers need loose, well-drained and fertile soil. Adding compost will help your cucumbers get off to a good start.


Cucumbers are heavy feeders so be sure to feed them with rich compost or aged manure. After first flowers appear and the vines develop runners, add organic fertiliser to help them get all nutrients during growth.

Water well

Cucumbers love water and plants need to be kept moist, especially around time of flowering and fruiting. A lack of water or uneven moisture can cause the levels of bitter-tasting compounds to rise and nobody likes those bitter cucumbers! They key is to keep soil moist at all times. Water root zone deeply once or twice a week – more if needed. Don’t soak foliage as that just encourages fungal diseases and dry out.

Pests and diseases

The most likely problems facing cucumbers are powdery mildew, verticillium wilt and cucumber mosaic virus. The best way to control insects, especially the destructive cucumber beetle that spreads bacterial wilt diseases, is to cover young plants until they begin flowering.


Cucumbers are best picked before they reach maximum size. Harvest frequently as the more you pick, the longer plants will produce. Don’t pull straight off the vine; it’s best to use a sharp knife. If fruits do taste bitter, don’t panic! Bitterness comes from the stem end and skin so peel fruit and cut off stem by around three centimetres.

Cucumber seeds and seedlings are available at Plants Plus garden centre. Check out the latest catalogue here for some great prices as more tips and inspiration for your garden.

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gardening, cucumbers, vegetables, growing, plants, tips, guide