Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

How to make a small room feel bigger

Living in a small space shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your living space but it should be seen as a creative design challenge. By combining space saving solutions with your personal style, you will be able to live happily in small quarters. Here are some tips on how to make a room feel bigger.

1. Multifunctional pieces

In your smallest rooms, it is important to ask yourself if your furniture and décor can serve more than one purpose. By having furniture pieces accommodate to different needs you can save necessary living space. For example, find a wall unit that can also be used as a desk or invest in a pull-out sofa bed if you don’t have space for guests to stay. Storage is also key to add anywhere you can in smaller rooms. Items such as storage baskets can be used to house small items in the bathroom, living, study or kitchen.

2. Natural light

If you emphasise natural light in a room then a room will feel brighter. A room with natural light feels more open as shadows are eliminated. In the rooms where it is possible, move your most-used pieces of furniture into a position where they can have a view of the outdoors. If natural light is minimal then consider adding extra lighting in your room to brighten it up.

3. Breezy fabrics

In rooms such as your living room, it is best to avoid heavy materials that will weigh down your room. Lightweight materials will serve the same purpose but will increase the sense of airiness in the room. In your bedroom, decide on a quilt cover that can be the focal point of colour and pattern in your room and then allow everything else to compliment that design. You can transform your room to be trendy, soft or neutral by changing your quilt cover.

4. Colour code

Just because you have a small space it doesn’t mean you must paint your white walls and have neutral colours (even though that helps). Decide on a colour code that you want in your room and be sure to stick to it when you are selecting furniture and décor pieces. In a small room, it is best to represent yourself through accessories such as creatively framed photos and artworks rather than through clutter and knickknacks.

5. Mirrors

Mirrors are a great addition to a small room as it creates an optical illusion that the space has a greater sense of openness. Mirrors allow light to reflect and trick the eye into perceiving more space. The best place to put a mirror is in a position where it will reflect the light from a window.

What are your tips for making a small room feel bigger? Let us know in the comments below.

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