Georgia Dixon
Home & Garden

Genius ice cube trick will save your houseplants

Ever wondered why your beloved houseplants seem to wilt after a good watering? There’s a good chance you might have actually drowned them with kindness. Overwatering is one of the leading causes of houseplant death. When you over saturate your blooms, the soil becomes heavy and soggy, making it impossible for oxygen to reach the roots of the plant. The roots end up dying and begins to rot and as we all know, dead roots does not a happy plant make. To avoid over watering, you can read up on the types of plants you have in your home, carefully watch them for signs of wilting or you can try this nifty ice cube trick.

The humble ice cube is actually the perfect way to gradually top up the moisture level of your plants. As the ice melts, it slowly waters the plant giving enough time for the roots and soil to absorb the water fully and not become soggy and over damp. It also prevents water pooling in the bottom of your pot which can cause root rot. Try one large ice cube or a couple of small ones for best results.

Do you have any gardening tricks to share? Share with us in the comments below.

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tips, plants, house, Watering, ice cube