Home & Garden

4 surprising laundry myths exposed

When it comes to doing the laundry, there are many tips and tricks that have been passed down over the years, and treated as gospel. But we’ve done some research, and discovered that many of these handy hints are actually myths. Let’s take a look at what they are.

Salt water sets dye

The general idea here is that soaking a garment in salt water will set the dye, preventing the colour from bleeding when it is washed with other fabrics. But manufacturers will set the dye before the garment is shipped to stores. Some loose or excess dye may come off in the first few washes, and garments will usually be well-labelled as a warning. If colour is still running after a few washes, and you’re following the care label’s instructions, you’ll need to either wash the garment in question separately or return it to the store.

Bleach helps get clothes cleaner

While bleach does work well in the washing machine, many people believe that adding it at the same time as detergent will help clean their clothes. But bleach will actually destroy the enzymes in your detergent before they can get to work. So instead of adding bleach when you first start your machine, come back five minutes later and add it in then.

Hairspray removes ink stains

While this one may have been true in the past, it’s less accurate today. The alcohol in hairspray used to be great at dissolving ink stains on fabric, but today’s hairspray formulas have little or no alcohol. To achieve a similar effect, try sponging a stain with a little rubbing alcohol.

Washing in hot water or tumble-drying shrinks clothes

The culprit behind shrinking clothes is not actually heat – it’s a lack of moisture. Many newer tumble dryers have sensors that stop the cycle before too much moisture is gone. If you use your dryer, try using the “automatic” setting instead of a timer, and let the machine do the monitoring for you.

Related links:

6 tricks to make doing the laundry a breeze

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Tips to help you clean the house faster

home, laundry