Home & Garden

3 umbrellas like you’ve never seen them before

Just like the humble door, the design of the umbrella seems to have remained stagnant for many a year. Now, call us crazy, but we’re ready for a shakeup of the rain-protection industry, so here are three unique umbrella reinventions that we’d love to give a trial run.


The idea behind the Nubrella is simple – not everyone has a free hand to hold an umbrella when they need to. While many young professionals who simply must carry their coffee and speak on the phone at the same time will love this, we’re thinking more of people in wheelchairs, stroller-pushing parents, and people who use walkers. While it’s not terribly fashion forward, it looks like it would get the job done.

Rain Shield

When there’s rain, there’s usually wind to go with it, meaning you’re sometimes pelted with water from more than one angle. Enter Rain Shield, which is designed to give you a larger surface area for maximum protection.

Air Umbrella


Now this one’s really out there, and stands way out from the rest of the pack. Ditching the fabric cover altogether, the Air Umbrella instead uses strong blasts of air to keep you dry. Definitely a great idea in crowded areas when using umbrellas can be tricky.

Photo Source: Rain Shield, Air Umbrella and Nubrella

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