Michelle Reed
Home & Garden

10 ways to save on air conditioning

Summer is well on its way. As the weather heats up, air conditioning becomes a must, which means one thing: higher energy bills. Use these tips to help save on cooling this summer.

1. Cool less – If you have a small home or tend to stick to one space, use a window unit, which often uses half the energy of central air.

2. Use the basement – If you have a basement, you know it’s the coolest room in the house. Take advantage by closing the vents down stairs, forcing your central air to the top of the house first, where it’s really needed.

3. Lower at night – As the sun sets, your house often cools down. If you can get away with it, lower your air conditioning levels/frequency of use accordingly to save.

4. Insulate – Make sure your home and air ducts are well insulated to keep the cool air in.

5. Close the curtains – Sunlight can heat up your home as it enters in through your windows. Close your blinds and curtains to keep your home cooler without air con.

6. Use a fan – Floor and ceiling fans use far less energy than air conditioners, so if you can, use a fan in its place or alternate between the two to save on cooling expenses.

7. Open the window – If there is a cool breeze at night, forgo your air conditioning in favour of an open window. For maximum cooling, place fans on the top floor and open the windows on your bottom floor to encourage the expulsion of hot air and the circulation of cooler air.

8. Tint your windows – Stop some of the sun’s heat from entering your home by getting your windows tinted.

9. Use a timer – Many air conditioning units come equipped with a timer. Set them so they turn off when you leave home and turn on just before you arrive home to save on air-con while you’re away.

10. Maintain/Upgrade – Make sure your air conditioner is clean and maintained for optimum cooling or upgrade to a newer, more energy efficient model to help cut energy bills drastically. 

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lifestyle, summer, Energy, air conditioning