Home & Garden

How to set up a potted vegetable garden

Want to grow veggies, but don’t have much space? Then a potted garden is the answer for you. Here’s how to get started.

1. Find the perfect position

Most vegetables need at least six hours of sun a day to thrive. The big benefit of a potted garden is you can move the pots around to capture the sun!

2. Choose your veggies

PlantsPlus suggests growing lettuce and silverbeet as they grow well in containers. “They don’t take up much space, you can plant and harvest them year round in most regions and they grow quickly, so you get fast results,” the PlantsPlus experts say. Other veggies that are great for container growing include loose leaf lettuces types, tomatoes, capsicums and eggplants. Herbs are also easily grown in a pot.

3. Pick the pot

Modern pots are both stylish and functional, and can add a visual punch to the landscape. Decorative pots come in all shapes, sizes and designs so you’ll be sure to find one that complements you home and garden décor. However, consider the size and depth of chosen pots for the veggies you intend to grow. Pots that are around 20 centimetres deep are fine for varieties with shallower roots but taller varieties like tomatoes will need pots with at least a 40 centimetre depth.

4. Use a quality potting mix

The key to successful container gardening is quality soil. Unlike planting in the ground, the soil in the container is all your plant has to thrive so make sure you use a top quality potting mix. Using a cheap mix will end in poor plant growth and greater need for fertilising.

Related link: Our guide to choosing a potting mix

5. Planting

Water the seedling punnets before gently removing the individual seedlings. Read the seedling labels about recommended spacing and remember to dig holes large enough to accommodate roots.

6. Keeping your vegetables looking great

Apply a seaweed based tonic at planting time and throughout the growing season to get your potted garden off to a flying start, recommends PlantsPlus. Potted plants quickly eat up nutrients so deep watering and applications of liquid feed will help veggies grow and flourish.

Related links:

7 common container gardening mistakes to avoid

Veggies that grow well in winter

A guide to growing plants from cuttings

gardening, outdoor, lifestyle, home