Home & Garden

Are those seeds viable for planting?

Do you have leftover seeds lying around the house that you haven’t manage to plant yet? This simple test will help you figure out if they’re still good to plant, so you never waste your time on seeds that will never sprout, or worse, throw out perfectly good seeds.

1. Wet a paper towel and then ring it out so it's only damp.

2. Place three to four seeds on top of the paper towel. Place towel with seeds on it in a plastic bag to keep moisture in.

3. Place plastic bag with seeds in it somewhere warm. For example, sunny window sill or on top of dryer.

4. Wait at least three days and check if seeds have sprouted.

If seeds have not sprouted within this time, the seeds have most likely gone bad and should not be planted. If the seeds have sprouted you can use them for planting. Happy gardening!

Source: Food52

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Gardening, Seeds, Garden