Basmah Qazi
Home & Garden

The genius cleaning hack that will make your plastic containers look as good as new

An Instagram account dedicated to providing cleaning hacks has gained traction after their latest tip.

Instagram account Blossom, which currently has 3.9 million followers, has addressed a problem that almost everyone can relate to – stained lunchbox containers.

The video, which has amassed a whopping 650,000 views in just one day, takes you through a 5-step process to ensure your containers end up looking as good as new.

In the short clip, a yellow-tinged lunchbox is shown. The expert then adds a generous scoop of sugar to the stained container.

Adding a squirt of dishwashing soap over the sugar, the cleaning aficionado lets the mixture sit in the lunchbox.

Then, in a surprising turn of events, she adds six ice cubes and lets them dissolve.

The last step involves a glass of water which is added to the mixture. It is then left to sit for 10 minutes.

Once the concoction is emptied and the container is rinsed, the formerly stained item is now looking as good as new.

Sugar helps break down old stains due to the enzymes it carries, while the ice cubes take apart the discoloured tinge.

Users took to the comments section to praise the expert for helping them with something they’ve struggled with for a long time.

“You just solved a problem so many households have!” wrote one user.

“This is so great for busy parents, thanks for sharing!” said another.

Scroll through the gallery above to see the step-by-step process for removing stains off plastic containers.

Will you be trying out this nifty hack? Let us know in the comments below.

tupperware, hack, cleaning, stains