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A white shirt that cannot be stained exists!

We’ve all been there – an important occasion, be it professional or personal – a crisp, white shirt in pristine condition that becomes an instant magnet for any stain-causing drinks. Coffee? Yep. Red wine? All down your front. If only there were a solution. Well, it turns out there is!

An American company called Elizabeth and Clarke has invented an unstainable white shirt. That’s a pretty lofty claim, but one that they’ve backed up with incredible footage of the shirt in question. People were so impressed by the idea of the unstainable white shirt that Elizabeth & Clarke’s Kickstarter campaign to fund the shirt’s production raised over US$220,000.

So how does it work? Well, it was an incredibly complex process utilising nanotechnology to repel stains at a molecular level. The fibres on the fabric of the shirt are 100,000 times smaller than a grain of sand. You can’t touch or see these fibres with the naked eye – they’re that small. This means that the shirt repels virtually any water-based or oil-based liquid spill, including perspiration. The treatment of the fabric “keeps water and oil-based liquids suspended above the fabric, never allowing stains to touch the silky fibres.

For those of us at home who don’t quite understand how that works, Elizabeth & Clarke provided this handy analogy: “Think about how a flower repels the morning dew, the water just beads up and slides right off the surface. Using this same process found in nature, the Unstainable™ treatment attaches to each and every shirt fibre – resulting in incredible resistance to stains.”

You can read more about the Unstainable™ shirt, and order your very own, by visiting the Kickstarter page.

Image Source: The Unstainable White Shirt

Related links:

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Home, Shirt, White, Cleaning