Alexandra Houle
Home & Garden

13 unusual uses for coffee filters

If you enjoy a cup of the caffeinated stuff of a morning, chances are good you probably have a packet or two of coffee filters knocking around in the pantry. While essential for creating the perfect brew, the simple shape and lint-free design of this beverage essential makes them useful in plenty of other places around the house.

  1. Use them to protect your dishes – Protect your favourite plates or good china from chipping and scratches by slipping a single filter in between each when stacking.
  2. Savvy snacking – If you’re serving up something greasy or even a finger food snack, a coffee filter makes the perfect snack bowl. Added bonus? No washing up!
  3. Sparkling windows and mirrors – The lint-free design of coffee filters make them perfect for cleaning fragile surfaces.
  4. In the garden – When filling up pots with soil, place a filter in the bottom, over the water hole. This allows water to filter through but stops soil seeping out.
  5. Smart storage – Lots of loose odds and ends floating around? Corral them all together by using a filter to group similar objects.
  6. Clean your screens – Dusty TV or computer screen? A coffee filter is great for grabbing dust and grime from smooth surfaces.
  7. The key to micro-sieving – If you’re baking and need a super fine sieve, line your standard utensil with a filter to catch even the smallest particles of food.
  8. Ice block savior- Stop sticky fingers in the grandkids by snipping a hole in the centre of a filter and pushing the stick through to create a little “drip dish”.
  9. Grease your baking utensils – Ensure a lint free, well-greased surface by using a filter to grease your baking tins or trays.
  10. Create spotless glassware – Prevent unsightly streaks by using a filter to dry your glassware.
  11. Keep your microwave clean – Use a filter when heating leftovers in the microwave to prevent splatter.
  12. Absorb oil – Cooking bacon? Pop the finished product onto a filter to drain away excess oil.
  13. Streak free stainless steel – Filters work like magic on stainless steel appliances like your toaster as well as taps and fixtures.

Related links: 

8 unusually great uses for Windex

5 common cleaning myths busted

12 cleaning tricks for hard-to-clean areas around the home



at home, tips, lifestyle