Home & Garden

6 amazing uses for onions around the home

Not content with just being a great addition to many a delicious meal, onions have loads of other uses around the house. If you can overlook the weeping issue, this vegetable can come in very handy. Let’s take a look at six things you didn’t know you could use it for.

Clean stubborn food remains

If the inside of a baking dish or pot has some burned food, or baked-on residue, scrub it with the cut side of an onion. Leave it to soak in the onion juice for a little while and then wash as usual – the offending stains should come off easily.

Polish cutlery

If your metal cutlery has lost its shine, or is getting a little rusty, scrub it with slices of onion, or use a paste of crushed onion and water.

Clean BBQ grill

Barbecues are annoyingly tricky and time-consuming to clean, but cleaning those pesky grates doesn’t have to be. Heat the grill up and then stick half of an onion onto the end of a fork. Slide the onion along the grates to remove any built-up grease and charred food

Smelling salts alternative

If you’re feeling light-headed but don’t have any smelling salts to hand, cut an onion in half and let it do the job.

De-odourise a painted room

If you’ve recently painted a room in your home, and can’t stand the smell, there’s a simple solution: fill a bowl with sliced onion and water and leave it in the room to absorb the offending odour.

Insect repellent

While you could rub a cut onion on your skin to keep bugs at bay, the really great use here is to keep them away from your precious roses. Mash an onion up and mix it with equal parts water. Strain the mixture and spray it on your rose bushes for a non-toxic guard against red spiders and aphids.

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home, at home, lifestyle