Home & Garden

Veggies that grow well in winter

The cooler months of winter are often the quiet season for busy gardeners but it doesn’t mean you have to give up on growing your own veggies altogether. Here are a few vegetables that grow well during those cold winter days.

When to grow

June: Broad beans, dill, cabbages, radishes, peas, garlic, kale, onion and thyme.

July: The same vegetables as June as well as chicory, endive, kohlrabi, lettuce, parsnips, radishes, sage and shallots.

August:  Artichokes, asparagus, beetroot, garlic, potatoes, spinach, spring onions and tomatoes.

Top tip: Vegetables like cabbage, lettuce, shallow and peas will thrive any time in winter so plant a few every month to ensure a great supply.

Tips to ensure your winter vegetables thrive:

Check out the Plants Plus site here for some more tips and inspiration for your garden.

Related links:

How to grow your own coriander (it’s quite easy)

Foods you can (and should) grow from kitchen scraps

Your guide to vertical gardens

Gardening, Vegetables, Winter, Garden, PlantsPlus