Alex O'Brien

6 reasons to give someone a second chance

We’ve all had friendships that we’ve wished we had never bothered entering into in the first place. They tend to be the ones where we leave catch ups feeling frustrated, cranky and downright annoyed. Whatever it was that drew you to the person in the first place is long gone and you wonder what you say in them in the first place. Before you cut all ties however, just stop for a minute and think. While some friendships need to be put out to pasture, we sometimes judge others incorrectly.

Unfortunately it’s human nature to judge others and sometimes our judgments are overly harsh and incorrect. We can be led astray by stereotypical assumptions, superficial inferences or by a third party who has led you to the wrong conclusions.  If you think you may have judged too soon, here are six reasons to give your friend a second chance.

  1. You’re missing out on expanding your horizons – A friendship group with a broad range of interests and passions is important. Don’t exclude those who don’t ‘fit the mold’ just because they are different.
  2. You might end up being surprised – When you open your mind, you may realize that you have judged the situation all wrong and run the risk of prematurely ending a promising relationship.
  3. Your mood influenced your judgment – A bad mood can affect the way we perceive others. A different frame of mind can mean a much different perspective on a person and possibly friendship.
  4. Jealousy played a role in your judgment – Jealousy isn’t attractive but unfortunately it’s a fact of being human. Being envious of someone can lead you to judge them harshly. Taking your own personal feelings out the equation can help clear the way for a more accurate assessment.
  5. You were led astray – If someone else led you to making a judgment about a friendship, assess what led him or her to his or her point of view. It’s highly possible they had an ulterior motive that they’ve passed on to you either intentionally or otherwise.
  6. You run the risk of missing out – While a friendship should never be kept purely because of career or family, ending one prematurely can sometimes lock you out of situations for career growth and family time. It’s always worth carefully considering where you stand before doing something dramatic that may have far reaching and long-term consequences.

Related links:

Could sleeping separately save your relationship?

The psychology of why rekindled romances are so intense

5 beliefs that invite true love

relationships, friendship, second chance