
A first date that ended WAY before it even began

One woman thought she found an incredible guy to date - a complete catch. But she soon realised he was far from it.

Her dreamy date had been sending her the sweetest messages until he texted something he shouldn’t have. In a video clip the woman shared on TikTok, she shared how well the conversation was going. Showing texts of the man complimenting her when they were trying to set up a time to meet for their date. 

Although they both admitted they would be coming straight from their jobs and therefore be wearing their work clothes, the man said it wouldn’t be a problem.

“I’m sure you’ll look beautiful either way.

“I’m a lucky guy to take you out,” he gushed.

However, the mood of the conversation immediately changed when the man sent a photo of the woman in a bikini to her along with a text that was clearly not meant for her.

The text read: “No bro. She’s a solid four and I would for sure keep it on the low.

“But desperate times call for desperate measures.

“Beggars can’t be choosers.

“All I saw was [boobs] and an easy lay.”

As soon as he realised who he had sent the message to, he immediately apologised and tried to back track where he went wrong.

“I was talking about someone else and clicked your picture on accident. My bad,” he said.

Needless to say, the woman was left speechless and her video made it look like that was the end of their conversation. Viewers of the woman’s video rallied behind her and encouraged her to look at the brighter side of things. 

“A four? A four!? Is he blind?

“Girl, you dodged a major bullet. Hang in there!” one person commented.

Others went on to suggest he’d actually sent the message to her on purpose.

“What bothers me most is that him sending it to you seems secretly intentional.

“What kind of monster does that?!” a second person questioned.


“Nah that was 100% on purpose,” added a third.

Image: TikTok

relationships, first date fail, tiktok, catfish, romance