Rizna Mutmainah

"Am I being too sensitive?": Woman's dilemma after partner forgets 60th birthday

A woman has shared her dilemma on how to approach her partner of 30 years, after he forgot her 60th birthday. 

"It's my 60th birthday today, and my partner of 30 years has not acknowledged it. Should I tell him?" she titled her post on Reddit. 

"It's my actual birthday today, and whilst we have planned a big party for next weekend, when I woke up this morning I expected a 'Happy Birthday!' and a smile," she continued. 

"I didn't get anything. He started my coffee but he does that almost every morning.

"At first I thought maybe he forgot but now I am thinking that he thinks he doesn't have to say anything because we are having a big party this weekend. 

"Am I being too sensitive? Should I tell him? If so, how?" she asked in her post. 

Hundreds of Reddit users took to the comments to share their thoughts on how to approach the situation, with a few sharing crafty solutions of their own. 

"I'd make a joke of it. 'I can't believe they moved my birthday!' Or 'I saw on the TV we should ask easy questions to check for dementia- I'll ask you first, when's my birthday?'" one user playfully suggested. 

"I'm going to say the absolute minimum I'd expect for ANY birthday is my wife wishing me a Happy Birthday. Don't let it fester and ruin your day - just ask him about it" another added. 

One user saw the bright side of things and said:  "He's handed you the best birthday present of all - the opportunity to use this against him for the next twenty years.

"I'd be rubbing my hands with glee. Happy Birthday!" 

"Happy Birthday. Go out and buy a large cake. Eat it all yourself. Nobody need ever know" to which she responded: "there is a Costco not that far away. Go big or go home." 

Another Redditor came up with an elaborate plan on how she could get her partner's attention. 

"Purchase this 'Acknowledge Me' t-shirt of WWE wrestle Roman Reigns. Then write 'Birthday' on a piece of card and use some tape to stick on the t-shirt. 'Acknowledge Me Birthday.' Then just wear it around the house," they said. 

The woman was onboard with the plan, but luckily she didn't need to apply any of their crafty solutions and shared an update. 

"He just came up to my home office and gave me a big hug, admitting he had forgotten because he was so focussed on both work and next weekend's party," she wrote. 

"He apologised sheepishly, which was exactly the best outcome possible. Now I have both my birthday acknowledged as well as a fine story and/or bit of ammo to be saved for another day.

"So there you go. I've cancelled the 'acknowledge me' t-shirt order, and shall now share my Costco cake with him instead of eating it from across the table, glaring.

"Thank you everyone for the very fine passive aggressive suggestions which made me smile. Much appreciated!"

Image: Getty


Relationships, Lifestyle, Reddit, Birthday, Senior