Michelle Reed

7 reasons why everyone should cuddle more

Whether it is your significant other, your new grandbaby or even your furry friend, who doesn’t love a cuddle session? If you’re not convinced here are plenty of other reasons you should snuggle up to your loved one tonight.

1. It reinforces emotional bonds

When you cuddle, the hormone oxytocin is released which not only makes you feel good but helps you feel connected to others. Think of it like the on-verbal way of communicating.

2. It relieves stress

Research shows that a cuddle from a loved one reduces the amount of stress hormone, cortisol, being produced.

3. It makes you happier

Touching your loved one releases dopamine and serotonin, both of which boost your mood and helps curb depression.

4. It helps you sleep better

As we’ve already mentioned, cuddling releases oxytocin that helps our bodies feel calmer, more serene and therefore more likely to feel sleepy.

5. It improves relationship satisfaction

Research shows that small touches like kissing and cuddling help partners feel more connected, thus contributing to feeling happier and more satisfied in the relationship.

6. It strengthens your immune system

Snuggling with your loved one stimulates the parasympathetic (or relaxation) system, which releases all those feel-good hormones. As there’s a strong link between the brain and immune system, feeling happy and optimistic boosts our immune system and helps fend off sickness.

7. It relieves pain

Just like when a child falls down and you give them a kiss and hug to make them feel better, the simple touch of someone else helps lessen the pain, all thanks to that feel-good hormone oxytocin again.

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dating, relationships, lifestyle, marriage, cuddling