Melody Teh

Couple married for 56 years perfectly describe love without using the word love

We all know love when we feel it but saying “I love you” is the easy part. After all, it’s only three little words. Truly expressing how you feel is a little harder – especially without using the world “love” itself.

As part of a Valentine’s Day campaign earlier this year, Hallmark asked real-life couples to describe their relationships without using the world “love”. In this video, Bob and Kim, a couple who’ve been married for over 56 years, are asked separately about each other. They then come together to watch their answers and well, things start to get a bit teary for them (and for us). It’s clear their feelings are so perfectly in sync that these two not only truly love each other but belong together.

“They say two become one and that really has happened,” Bob says.

“He's a part of me... I can't imagine life without him,” Kim says.

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dating, love, relationships, marriage