
How healthy is your relationship?

All relationships have their moments but how healthy is your relationship? Recognising the signs of a healthy and happy relationship is as important as being alert to signs of a dysfunctional relationship. Whether you’re tentatively considering a new mate or in the throes of a new romance, do you agree with the following statement?

  1. You look forward to spending time with each other.
  2. You make each other laugh.
  3. You communicate openly and listen to one another.
  4. There is a strong foundation of trust in the relationship.
  5. You never belittle or demean each other in front of others or when you are alone.
  6. You respect each other’s views even if you do not necessarily share the same opinion.
  7. You feel relaxed and comfortable around each other. There is no need to pretend or impress.
  8. You both have your own personal identity.
  9. You argue, compromise and negotiate fairly. There are no power plays.
  10. You both enjoy doing things for each other without “keeping score”.
  11. You don’t try and fix or change.
  12. You can freely express your needs and wants with each other.
  13. There is a balance of giving and receiving in the relationship.
  14. Both are willing and can be vulnerable in the relationship.
  15. You both can enjoy alone time and know it isn’t a threat or a comment on the relationship.
  16. You both have realistic expectation about each other and from the relationship.
  17. You have discussed each other’s dreams, desires and hopes.
  18. You are both happy you have your own independent life with different friends and activities.
  19. You can talk openly about finances.
  20. You value what is important to each other whether it is family, hobbies or work.

Image: Getty

dating, relationship, love, couples, romance