Alex O'Brien

How to meet people without online dating

The Internet has completely revolutionised the world of dating and romance but sometimes you get a hankering for offline connection. Whether it’s meeting new friends, finding a group that shares similar interests or hobbies to join or finding a romantic partner there are plenty of ways to connect with people outside of your computer. Here are 20 of our favourites.

  1. Join a singles group in your area.
  2. Attend an Over60 Catch-up – you can check them out here. Or check the local happenings section of your newspaper. Clip out events of interest and go along.
  3. Hit your local dog park or go to a pet meet-up in your local area to find a fellow dog lover.
  4. Join a club for something that interests you. Check Google, bulletin boards or the local paper.
  5. Sign up for an adult education class.
  6. Go to the events you’ve been invited to like weddings, school reunions, class meet ups. Have fun and chat to some new people, you’ll never know who you might meet.
  7. Attend an art gallery or museum opening for an exhibit you’re interested in.
  8. Join a gym or sports group.
  9. Travel. Consider a trip purely designed for singles.
  10. Spiritual or religious groups. If you belong to a specific denomination, find out if they have a group you could join.

Have you met anyone new offline? Tell us in the comments below how you did it?

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dating, online dating, love, relationships, meeting people