Claudia Byatt

Husband cheats on wife and blames her

Kerry knew her marriage “wasn’t in the best shape”, and that there was not much happening in the bedroom department. She was working full-time and busy with their kids, aged five and seven. She was also considering suggesting couples counselling to her husband. 

"I knew he was preoccupied, but told me it was work stress and I believed him.”

She also noticed had a few more “business trips” than usual. 

One night, realising that her husband was avoiding eye contact with her, she demanded to know what was going on. 

He had been cheating on her. For six months. 

He revealed that flirtation with a work colleague transformed into meeting for drinks, kissing and some “home bases”.

"He said 'I didn't have sex with her until recently' as though he thought he deserved some sort of prize.”

That’s not all he told her.

"He was like, 'Oh you must know you haven't been meeting my needs'. I was like 'I cook, and look after the kids, and carry the mental load so what the f--k do you mean?”

"He told me we'd been distant, sort of leading separate lives. I was like, really? How separate is sharing a bedroom? How separate is having two kids together? How separate is watching Succession together?”

Before he cheated, he had been counting the days since Kerry had initiated sex - while not initiating it himself - as a bizarre test.

An understandably emotional Kerry blew up at him yet he allegedly does not want the marriage to end. He has since cut off contact with the colleague apart from necessary exchanges at work. 

"He doesn't seem that remorseful, though. He keeps saying how I was so distant. I still feel like he wants me to shoulder some blame.”

Kerry revealed she had issues with her self-worth that stemmed from her father. 

“Now, because of the cheating, that thought keeps popping up – that maybe I'm not good enough."



Image credit: Shutterstock

Married, Cheating, Blame, Relationships