Fiona Tomarchio

"She’s embarrassed": Meghan Markle's half-brother Thomas opens up to Mel Doyle

Meghan Markle’s half brother has shed some light on what her family is really like in an interview with Channel 7’s Sunday Night.

Speaking to Melissa Doyle, Thomas Markle Jr said that he would like to one day be an uncle to her children.

When asked about getting an invitation to her wedding, he said: “No. I don’t know. When do they go out? Nobody has my address anyway. I’m pretty hard to get hold of.”

He said however he would like to see her again and hopes she would like him to get to know her future children.

“I think an uncle is a pretty important role,” he said. “I didn’t even know that we had a falling-out, so I would like to see her again, yeah. I want to give her a hug and tell her how proud I am of her, but, you know, I really have to travel a really long way to do that.”

When asked if she was “embarrassed” by her family, Markle Jr said it would be a fair conclusion to make.

“She’s probably embarrassed at some of the stories and accusations and, you know ...” he said, before Doyle asked him if their family was “fractured”.

“I think my family’s always been fractured,” he said.

“I think now, more than ever, it should be the time for everybody to put their differences aside and just, you know, be a family. We have a small family. It may be broken up, but it’s still a family.”

“She can’t forget about her family, because ... we’re never gonna go away. We’re always gonna be her family,” he said.

Markle Jr also spoke about the effect the family fighting would be having on Meghan’s father, Thomas Markle.

“You know, my dad bent over backwards and really, really just paved the way for her and gave her every single thing she needed to get where she’s at today. It would hurt. It wouldn’t irritate me, but it would just hurt,” he said.

When asked by Doyle how their father would be coping with all their dirty laundry being aired publicly, Markle Jr replied: “He’s probably not happy. Well, you see the look on his face in those pictures that they finally got of him. So doesn’t look very happy. And he’s a really private person, so ...”

Markle Jr also said he was not sure if her father would walk Meghan down the aisle, but thought he should do it.

“My dad just wants to be left alone. He doesn’t like spotlight. He doesn’t like anything ... interviews. You know, and that’s why he moved down there, to just be alone. But he’s gotta come out now, though,” he said.

“I mean, he’s gotta step up to the plate... and walk his daughter down that aisle.”

family, relationships, Prince Harry, Royals, Meghan Markle