
Mum hits back at neighbour over chalk complaint

A New York mum and author who received complaints from a neighbour over her son’s chalk drawings in their apartment block’s courtyard has responded with a public letter - and it’s written in chalk.

Ashley Woodfolk then shared her letter on Twitter, receiving a flood of positive responses.

“GOOD EVENING TO EVERYONE EXCEPT the woman at my co-op who complained to the board about me and my toddler using sidewalk chalk in the courtyard,” Ashley Woodfold captioned the photo of her handiwork.

The letter, written in blue and yellow chalk, reads: “This will be the last time using sidewalk chalk in the courtyard since it seems to be such a problem for you (and only you).

“I’m sorry harmless fun that brought my toddler joy (and has actually helped him learn all of his letters and most of his numbers - his favourites are E and 8) causes you so much distress that you had to complain to the board and waste everyone’s time when our building has so much bigger real problems.”

Ms Woodfolk also detailed how the COVID-19 pandemic had seen her have to entertain her son in new, safe ways.

“I think you’re aware that we’re in a pandemic and while I’d love to take my kid to museums and the movies I don’t feel safe doing that, and sometimes even local parks are more crowded than I’m comfortable with,” she continued.

“The courtyard was a safe space but now there are limits on that too.

“There are only a few weeks of nice weather left, and I sincerely hope that you enjoy the use of the sidewalk-chalk free courtyard for the remainder of the fall.

“And I hope that every time it rains, rain that would have washed away any colourful ABCs I wrote on the ground, you think of me. All my love, Ashley.”

Her post has received more than 200,000 likes, as well as a flood of positive comments.

One fan even sent her a package of sidewalk chalk from their Etsy shop for her son.

Others shared their opinions and the enjoyment they received from seeing kids’ chalk drawings.

“An elderly lady in our neighbourhood bought chalk for all the kids during the pandemic because she said she felt less lonely taking walks and seeing their art,” one person shared.

“As a childless guy, even I think chalk doodles are cute and bring a spark of life and creativity to the environment,” a second person said. “I can’t fathom how someone could be upset about it.”

Image: @AshWrites / Twitter

Relationships, art, Twitter, complaints