Melody Teh

12 perks of being single

At times “singledom” is considered an almost undesirable status, but we know there are plenty of over-60 singletons out there loving life. And here are plenty of reasons why this is a relationship status to embrace!

  1. You can eat whatever you want whenever you want. There’s no need to take your partner’s dislike of seafood into consideration every time you’re making dinner. 
  2. You never ever have to compromise about what to watch on TV. If you want to watch a sappy rom-com or a blockbuster action movie, you will do it!
  3. You don’t have to worry about a snoring partner who hogs the blanket. Plus, you can sleep on whatever side of the bed you want.
  4. Your house can be cleaned to your very high standards (or your very low ones) without someone nagging or resisting you.
  5. You are the one and only boss of your time. That means the freedom to do whatever you want to fill your days, no matter how trivial it may seem to others.
  6. You now have more time and energy to pour into your long-term friendships and family relationships.
  7. Instead of staying in with your partner, you are more motivated to try new experiences and adventures.
  8. You can book a holiday, restaurant or anything really without having to consult your significant other. Big, small, and medium decisions are yours, and yours alone, to make.
  9. You are not financially tied to anyone, which means you can spend your money as you see please.
  10. You don’t have to deal with your partner’s friends, family and others who you might not have necessarily liked, but had to put a smile on your face.
  11. You can be “selfish” and focus solely on yourself to create the life you want (and love).
  12. Most importantly, you learn there’s a difference between loneliness and being alone. You start to truly enjoy and appreciate your own company, in ways that you never did before.

Related links:

25 ways to be happier (and why your relationship depends on it)

How to tell people about your divorce

Why some people take breakups harder than others

dating, love, relationships, lifestyle, single