Melody Teh

The real qualities to look for in love

You know the feeling when you meet someone special – that spark of attraction, the instant passion and the buzzing chemistry? It is an amazing feeling but how do you distinguish between that feeling of attraction and the one of love? It’s one of the trickiest questions around because often what attracts us does not necessarily lead to an enduring relationship. While we all have personal qualities we seek in a life partner, there are a few qualities everyone should seek in a potential partner for life.


Honesty is the key to trust between any two people. Trust builds a strong, healthy and long-lasting relationship. Dishonesty and deception tears relationships apart so seek a partner who is honest, where what they say is what they do. Someone who acts with integrity is someone you know you can rely on.


Even if you have separate interests and opinions (which most couples do), your partner should not only respect it but support it. You want someone who is respectful of your desires and needs even if they do not necessarily agree. A life partner is not someone who tries to control you, your behaviour or your actions. They value and respect you for who you are.


When you are in a loving relationships, both people can be completely open and willing to be vulnerable. You should be comfortable with sharing everything with your partner and not be afraid of being judged. Both of you will be open to talking about yourself, the other person and the good (and bad) parts of the relationship.


Your love should be the person who builds you up, not tears you down. They nurture you when you’re at your most vulnerable and support you at your strongest. There is no jealousy, there is no competition and there is no trying to outdo each other. You want the best for one another, always.


Someone who truly loves you will not be afraid to show you. This doesn’t mean grand romantic gesture or PDA (public displays of affection) – it just means they show you in their personal way how much they love you. They are completely open to giving and receiving affection.

Image: Getty

relationships, love, senior dating, romantic, caring