Basmah Qazi

The sweet nickname Duchess Meghan is called in the palace

Princess Diana was famously known as the “People’s Princess” and now, with Duchess Meghan stealing the hearts of royalists around the world, the palace has given her a nickname previously belonging to her late mother-in-law.

Speaking to Vanity Fair, an insider close to the royal family said, “I’ve heard the Duchess is referred to as Di 2, because of the similarities to Harry’s mother. It’s meant affectionately, and I think it’s quite true – they are rather alike.”

Regardless of who Prince Harry chose as his wife, it’s inevitable that she would be compared to the royal’s late mother, who left behind a legacy and is considered the woman who broke down the royal walls and chose to bond with everyday citizens.

But despite that, Duchess Meghan has already proven to not only embody Diana through her wardrobe, as she chooses to wear her jewellery and similar dresses, but also through her kindness and her desire to bring change to the world.

Her rebellious nature is reminding the world of Princess Diana, who had a penchant to break protocol.

“I’m often reminded of Diana when I photograph Meghan,” said royal photographer Mark Stewart to Vanity Fair. “Their wardrobes are quite similar; Meghan loves great tailoring and block of colour, just like Diana did.

“I remember photographing Diana in Japan, when she stepped out in a red and white spotted outfit. Meghan’s wardrobe choices on this tour really reminded me of Diana’s, like the red dress she wore when she arrived in Tonga. It was pure Diana, honouring the national colours of the island before Meghan had even said a word.”

Throughout the Duke and Duchess’s 16-day tour, the Duchess of Sussex has been spotted wearing jewellery from Diana’s collection, such as the butterfly earrings she wore in Sydney and the beautiful aquamarine ring in Tonga.

“I don’t think we’ve seen a royal like Diana until now,” said Stewart about Meghan.

And while Meghan has a lot to live up to, the Duchess of Sussex may soon be titled the “People’s Duchess”. 

Duchess of Sussex, Princess Diana, Royals, Prince Harry