Ben Squires

3 “bad” relationship traits that are actually healthy

Searching for answers on what makes a good relationship? Worried that certain issues in your relationship are causing problems for you?

Well we have some good news. Three of the most common ideas of “bad” elements of a relationship could actually be a sign of a solid partnership.

1. Have you both got some unresolved issues?

The thing to understand is that people don’t change, if they don’t want to. So there really is no point having a go at your partner about how much wine they drink, or their table manners, or their failure to remember to send a birthday card to their niece.

In the same way, there’s no sense talking (AND talking) about the problems that they believe you have if you really don’t agree and you don’t plan to change.

As part of a successful relationship, know which battles and worth fighting. Everything else is just trivial and can be put down to a difference of opinion.

2. Do you sometimes hurt each other’s feelings?

It’s fairly unrealistic to expect to never feel hurt or to hurt your partner’s feelings. When you are in a relationship with someone you love, sometimes you will have disagreements or heated words, but this doesn’t mean that there is necessarily a problem. The issue would be if the fights and disagreements were more often than not, and if they caused you great distress.

Being able to tell your partner “that shirt doesn’t look so great on you” or to be able to hear that “you might want to go and brush your teeth love” is actually a sign of a good partnership built on a solid foundation of trust.

3. Do you ever feel attracted to other people?

Noticing other people and even flirting a little doesn’t have to mean anything.

It’s very natural to see the beauty in other people, and in fact it can just reinforce all the reasons why we love our partner in the first place. It doesn’t automatically mean that we are going to go and cheat on our partner.

You can’t always control your thoughts, but you can control your actions. So long as the attraction doesn’t lead anywhere, there’s no need to feel guilty about it. 

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relationships, friendship, lifestyle, habits, Topics