Michelle Reed

4 ways to boost your libido past 60

Our society believes that sex belongs to the young, but we hope you know that’s certainly not the case. However, ageing can and does affect your libido, and for various reasons, rather than finding ways to boost your sex drive, many people simply accept this new reality and do without. But it doesn’t have to be that way. A healthy sex life depends as much on us keeping our sexual connection intact. Here are five ways to boost your libido and get you in the mood again.

Believe it’s not over

The topic of sex in older age groups is still quite taboo, which isn’t helped by our youth-obsessed culture that makes both women and men, but particularly women, feel like they’re no longer sexually attractive or able past a certain age. But with longer life expectancies and advances in medicine, hitting a certain age doesn’t have to affect your sex life. The most important sex organ in the body is actually the brain! Begin by considering sexuality an important part of your life, and then you can start figuring out the finer details.

Acknowledging that ageing changes sex

Most people begin having sex when they’re young and expect throughout the many decades for it to be exactly the same. However, it’s a reality of life that our bodies will age and we will experience health problems, but that doesn’t have to affect the mind or the moves. Acknowledging changes and problems can begin an open conversation about how to find ways around limitations imposed by age.

Learn to love yourself again

There’s no denying it: our bodies do not look the same as when we were young. But too many people believe that since an ageing body isn’t “sexy” (which isn’t true as sexiness is in the eye of the beholder), you can’t have sex. But sex isn’t about how you look and you don’t need perfect bodies to have sex. So learn to love yourself, wrinkles and all.

Staying healthy and fit

If you exercise and keep healthy, research shows you’re more likely to have a satisfying sex life. Not only does exercise improve stamina and makes you more flexible, but importantly exercise provides a psychological boost, which can help you feel more confident and enjoy sex more.

Related links:

Common sexual problems and what to do about them

7 things all happy couples do

How healthy is your relationship?

dating, lifestlye, love, sex, marriage, relationships