Melody Teh

What it means to be a woman in your 60s today

Gloria Kirkpatrick, 62, is a proud mum of three children in their 40s and proud nana of seven grandchildren. Her interests are family, friends, health, spirituality, art, internet and getting out and about. 

Women in my age group (the 60s) are more with it and fun than people may think. My friends are fashion, skin care and makeup-conscious, health-conscious, have had much life experience, love their children and grandchildren, care about the world, still think and act young.

We know so much more, thanks to the internet. We like to keep up with technology, world events, keep in touch with our extended family and friends via social media. We also see the negatives in technology and remember how we used to ring people more, sent cards and letters, visited each other more often. The internet is amazing and incredible, it is the people who abuse it that can make it ugly and frightening.

Women today are more independent and stand up for themselves and are less likely to put up with being treated unfairly in all aspects of life. But we are still vulnerable and get hurt, feel scared of what’s around the corner, get lonely, cry, are easily hurt, miss our children who are grown up and have their own lives and often have moved far away.

We hate the violence and constant swearing in movies and on TV and remember a time when TV shows and movies made you laugh and cry with emotion. I believe most people still enjoy a heartfelt movie with a good story and I hope Hollywood make more feel-good movies in the future.

Personally I have empowered myself by reading about animal cruelty in all its forms and how society is very ignorant of the truth unless they look further into it. This goes for health, healthy food, natural remedies and climate change as well. Selfishness, our throw-away society and greed are slowly destroying the planet but the internet is giving us the power to educate ourselves, information is there at our fingertips. There is so much negativity and apathy, we all need to get positive and start changing the world together for the better, for the sake of our grandchildren and the generations to come – more people power, less control and brainwashing.

Women are being abused and murdered daily and this is so abhorrent and hard to understand, I hope this changes with more education and stronger punishments for offenders. Outdated customs around the world need to change and be supported to protect women and children.

On the lighter side being a woman is such fun, we have much more power than we used to and we speak up, crack jokes, have a drink, and men seem to love communicating with us more these days and even having us as a friend. We love being with other women – talking, laughing, crying. We love our men, appreciate and care for them but they have to reciprocate or we now have the power to just say goodbye.

I am woman, hear me roar!

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women, relationships, lifestyle, Community contributor, past, female, Opinion