Danielle McCarthy
Retirement Life

Why you should have a morning ritual

One of the best parts of life in retirement is that feeling of being able to go to bed without dreading the long to-do list you’ll wake up to tomorrow. So, what’s the problem with a bit of a lie-in and a quiet morning? Nothing, really, as long as it doesn’t become a daily habit.

According to researchers from the University of Nottingham and the National Institute of Education, Singapore, our willpower is strongest in the morning, so it makes sense to utilise that time to do all the stuff you’re unlikely to be keen on doing later in the day.

Unsure where to start? Here are six morning rituals that will make your mind and body happier.

  1. Write a list – CEO of American Express, Kenneth Chenault, writes a list of all the things he wants to accomplish tomorrow every night. The next day, he uses that wish list as his to-do list.
  2. Stay disconnected – In an age where we go to bed attached to our phones and tablets and wake up in the same fashion, give yourself an hour buffer either side of your sleep. Not only will you get a better rest, but you’ll be less inclined to waste time on social media in the morning.
  3. Have something to look forward to – It’s much easier to get up in the morning when you know you’ll be doing something you enjoy, like catching up with friends or seeing a movie.
  4. Exercise – Working out in the morning boosts your metabolism, helps you burn more energy throughout the day, energise your mind, increase your self-discipline, get a better sleep, and improve your fitness and overall health.
  5. Shower – Showering in the morning can boost your creativity. Neuroscientist Dr Alice Flaherty found that our brains release dopamine, the “feel-good” hormone that drives our creativity, much more when we experience a pleasant sensation like taking a warm shower.
  6. Practice gratitude – Every morning, grab a pen and a notepad and write down all the things you’re grateful for that day. Not only will it put you in a good mood, but looking at the big picture will put all the little annoyances you encounter each day into perspective.

Tell us in the comments below, what morning ritual do you swear by?

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mind, brain, body, Morning, rituals, habit, productive