Charlotte Foster

Aussie cruising fanatics share their top cruise tips

An Aussie couple who are dedicated to cruising have shared their top tips to keep in mind before setting sail. 

Marty and Jessica Ansen are about to set off on their 130th cruise and have made headlines around the world for their devotion to spending most of their lives at sea.

Together they have sailed roughly 770,000 nautical miles over more than 2,300 days on board, which equates to more than six years spent at sea.

The Brisbane grandparents, both 77, have just headed off on their tenth trip around the globe, which is also their 52nd consecutive cruise adventure. 

During all their time spent at seas, the Ansens have learned a thing or two about life onboard, and have shared their top ten tips to make time on a cruise ship as smooth sailing as possible.

Their number one tip for cruise travellers is to take a backup credit or debit card, as Marty told 9Travel, "Replacing a lost or stolen card while overseas is not for the fainthearted."

The Ansens recommend making a clear and legible copy of your passport, as consulates find it a lot easier if you can provide a copy ready to go when you disembark.

After all their years at sea, Marty and Jessica are pro-packers, and recommend wearing all your heaviest clothing when you check in to better adhere to a strict weight limit. 

"Jessica and I have one piece of luggage, usually under 20kg," Marty said.

"We also each have one bag of hand luggage. Going on board, regardless of weather, I wear my heaviest clothing."

When it comes to packing, they also advise leaving your toiletries at home. 

"Leave consumables like shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and any creams and potions at home as Princess (cruise line) provides basic toiletries and anything you do need can be bought at the first port," Marty said.

Marty and Jessica also recommend packing all your essentials in your hand luggage, as it can often take a while for your checked bags to arrive in your cruise ship cabin. 

"Place all jewellery, passports, visas, medication money and credit/debit cards in your hand luggage for easy retrieval," Marty said.

Marty said one thing every traveller must check before setting sail is what electrical connection is used onboard. 

"Check what electrical connection is used onboard and have the right adapter ready to charge your devices,' Marty said.

Many ships have American and European plug points, while newer ones may have USB connections too.

When it comes to bringing medications, the Ansens said you should always bring extras, as well as the required paperwork.

"As an extra precaution carry copies of scripts so that if you do run out or lose your medications it will be easier to prove what you need to overseas pharmacies or doctors," Marty said.

Lastly, like any overseas adventure, the Ansens said it is important to always have travel insurance, and to make copies of your policy. 

Image credits: X (Twitter)

cruising, Marty and Jessica Ansen, top tips