Rachel Fieldhouse

Two dead in Antarctic cruising accident

Two passengers on a cruise in Antarctica have died after their small boat overturned near the shore.

The passengers were among six on a Zodiac boat excursion near Elephant Island on November 15, when the vessel overturned near the shore.

Quark Expeditions, the operator of the World Explorer cruise ship the passengers were travelling on, confirmed the news in a statement several days later.

“We are deeply saddened to confirm that there has been a tragic accident during a zodiac excursion from the ship World Explorer, chartered by Quark Expeditions, near Elephant Island in the Antarctic on November 15,” the company said.

Quark Expeditions said the weather conditions were calm, with “light winds” and a “smooth sea”, and that the accident seemed to have been caused by a breaking wave.

“The other four passengers and two staff are recovering under the care and observation of our doctors and medical staff on board,” they added.

“The ship is currently returning back to port.”

With the company currently investigating the incident further, they confirmed that they are in close contact with the next of kin.

“Our priority right now is supporting them, our passengers and crew while we investigate further,” they said.

“We will continue to work with, and offer our assistance to, those involved during this difficult time, including full cooperation with the relevant authorities.”

Image: @quarkexpeditions (Instagram)

Cruising, Antarctica, Fatality, Accident