Danielle McCarthy

Why you should never do this at a cruise ship buffet

One of the great perks of cruising is that all onboard meals are organised and paid for.

However, one of the downsides of the excessive amount of delicious food available for passengers is that it creates the perfect opportunity to overeat, leading to significant weight gain.

To look after your health while you are enjoying holiday bliss, follow these tips.

1. Don’t abandon nutrition

More often than not, holidays are the perfect excuse to ignore nutrition and diets. We give ourselves permission to do as little activity as possible and eat as much as we want in the name of “relaxation”.

If you want to use your holiday to get even healthier, pay attention to the food that is available to you. Make better food choices rather than bingeing and opt for the food that is better quality. You can also utilise your spare time to schedule in some workouts.

2. Don’t be careless at the buffet

The key to taking care of yourself at a buffet is to fill up on the soups, salads and vegetables at the beginning so you have less room for high calorie fried food and desserts.

Make the most of the lower-calorie foods that are presented before you, such as seafood, salad and fruit where possible.

3. Don’t constantly snack

On cruises, you have large portion meals which means you don’t need to snack throughout the day. If you fill up on breakfast, lunch and dinner, there will be no need to have extra chips, biscuits or other snacks during the day. Once you stop snacking, you will also be able to enjoy your main meals more as you will be hungrier for them.

4. Don’t overeat when you have alcohol

Alcohol is registered as a toxin in our body and so the liver works hard to metabolise alcohol as soon as it is consumed. This means the other calories consumed when we are drinking are more likely to be stored, leading to weight gain.

When you enjoy your alcohol on your cruise, don’t over-do it with the high-calorie snacks which are often served with your drinks.

What are your tips for eating well on a cruise and not gaining weight? Let us know in the comments below. 

travel, cruise, why, do, never, this, buffet