Georgia Dixon
Domestic Travel

Brace yourself for more warm days and unpleasant nights

Summer has sadly come to an end, but you might not want to put away that pedestal fan just yet – according to the experts, we’re in for a warmer than usual autumn.

Dr Andrew Watkins, senior climatologist at the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), said summer was exceptionally warm and dry for the majority of Australia’s east coast, while the west was hit with record-breaking rainfall – and things won’t be much different this autumn, either.

The weak La Nina that’s been wreaking havoc around the country is breaking down, but Dr Watkins said there’s still an increased chance of a wetter and warmer than average March in eastern Australia.

“Historically, autumns following the end of weak La Nina events have been drier than average, however record-high water temperatures in the Tasman Sea may increase rainfall from any east coast lows that form later in the autumn and winter,” he told

So you can expect warm days and unpleasant nights for a while longer, with BOM warning heatwaves still may hit drier parts of the country – especially central Australia. 

Image credit: Bureau of Meteorology.

summer, autumn, weather, climate, forecast