Ben Squires
Domestic Travel

Why keeping a travel journal is good for you

Whether you need to collect your thoughts after an 18 hour bus ride of have aspirations of being the next Ernest Hemingway, a travel journal is a rewarding exercise.

While it may seem like a chore to some, we’ve put together some info on the real benefits of keeping a travel journal and some hints and tips for doing so. 


Pictures might say a thousand words, but sometimes they don’t tell the whole story. The act of sitting down at a table, making notes and revising your experiences can make a huge difference in terms of the amount of memories you can take from your trip. By setting aside a little time on your trip for travel journaling, you will be able to ensure that you have lasting memories that stay with you long after you’ve returned.

Defeat boredom

It seems odd to say, but there are parts of holidays that sometimes aren’t the most exciting experiences in the world, particularly when you’re stuck for hours waiting for transit. Rather than playing with your phone, reading some book you've read a thousand times before or staring into the back of someone’s head, a travel journal can be a great way to break up the tedium.


Sometimes ideas catch us at the strangest times and when we’re overseas on a busy holiday there often isn’t time to effectively examine them. By keeping a regular travel journal you can make sure you’ve got a handy little way to take down any notes, ideas or inspiration that may come to you while you’re on the road.


Well, we’ve all had an exasperated moment of two when we’ve been travelling. Unfortunately though when these rants occur they’re often directed at a spouse, relative, friend or tour guide and these are definitely not people you want to upset when you’re overseas. By having a diary on hand to rant into you can save a lot of stress and perhaps even a few of your close relationships.

Tips and tricks for keeping a journal:

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travel, holiday, mind, Writing, jounal