Domestic Travel

Things everyone should do before summer’s over

Image: Getty

Eat Ice-Cream

Nothing says summer quite like eating ice cream at the beach, lake or park after a hot day frolicking in the water. Could you buy an entire box of ice cream at the supermarket for the same price as one from the gelato bar? Sure, but where’s the fun in that?

Walk Barefoot in the grass

Strolling barefoot through soft grass is the perfect way to get out of your daily bubble and smell the roses (literally!). The smells, sounds and feel of nature will soothe your work-weary soul and melt away stress. It may even offer some unique health benefits; according to proponents of ‘earthing’, walking barefoot can help with insomnia and other afflictions.

Read under a tree

Unplug and take a fun novel, gossip mag or other light-hearted read outdoors. Set up under your favourite tree and enjoy the stillness and tactile pleasure of reading a real paper book. Bonus: Everyone looks smarter reading under a tree. It’s pretty much science.

Visit a farmers market

Many cities offer a farmer’s market on summer weekends, allowing you to support local farmers and up your health game in the tastiest way possible. Come for the juicy summer fruit and fresh vegies but stay for the interesting crafts, bright flowers, sweet honey, hand-made sausages and new friends.

Go to an out-door event

From Shakespearean classics to local bands to movies to music festivals, your outdoor entertainment options are endless in the summer. Check out your neighbourhood social media page or city website for dates and times. Even better, many of these events are free or don’t cost much – just make sure social distancing is part of the contingency plan.

Run through a sprinkler 

Think playing in a sprinkler is just for kids? Adults can play this refreshing game too and it doesn’t even require a swimsuit. The next time you see a sprinkler watering the grass in the park, take a few running leaps through it. Skip. Laugh. Frolic. You’ll dry, we promise.

Star Gaze

The night sky will blow your mind – especially if you can get far enough away from city lights to see the milky way. It’s worth the trip out to the countryside. Seeing the vast expanse of eternity laid out on a clear summer’s night will change your life.

Go camping 

Camping is the quintessential summer activity yet so few of us actually do it. Being outdoors (and away from mobile phone service) is a great way to reset and get in touch with nature. If you’re worried about not sleeping well outside your own bed, science shows camping can actually help cure insomnia.

Build a sandcastle

Sand in between your toes (and in your hair and down your swimsuit) is peak summer. But don’t just settle for lying on the beach (don’t forget to lather on the sunscreen). Get creative and have fun by building a sand castle complete with turrets and a moat.

Watch a street performer

Warm evenings turn every street corner into a stage and you’ll be amazed at the talent in your community. Dancers and musicians are staples but in many places you can also find living ‘statues’, contortionists and magicians. Don’t forget to leave them a tip to show you enjoyed their performance.

Jump off a diving board

It’s totally fine if you have to hold your nose!

Get new sunglasses

New sunnies can take your look to the next level – as well as protect your eyes. And if you wait till the end of the season, you might just get them on sale!

Try an outdoor activity 

Forget resolutions, this is about fun. If you’ve ever wanted to try a different workout, this is the best time. Outdoor offerings include yoga in the park, stand-up paddleboarding, guided night hikes, bootcamp, fishing excursions, and much much more.

This article originally appeared on Readers Digest.

summer, Travel, bucket list, adventure, Domestic Travel