Ben Squires
International Travel

57-year-old woman gets entire plane to herself

While most of us will never know what it’s like to fly in first class or charter a private aircraft, Karon Grieve was given the next best thing on a recent Jet2 flight from Glasgow to Crete. The 57-year-old British author couldn’t believe her luck when she was told by check-in staff that she would be the only passenger onboard the 189-seat flight.

Apparently, only three people had booked the end-of-season flight, and when the other two passengers didn’t show, the red carpet was rolled out for Ms Grieve.

Jet2 pulled out all the stops for their solitary passenger, who had purchased the flight for just $78, where she received a free meal, her choice of seat, and a personalised commentary from the pilot in the cockpit who addressed her directly.  

After landing in Crete, Ms Grieve was handed her suitcase directly from the plane, allowing her to skip the queue and avoid the lengthy lines at the luggage carousel.

“They moved me to seat number one so I had all the leg room and everything, it was fantastic,” Ms Grieve said.

“The crew were wandering around and said just to call if I needed anything. I even got a free meal, which was great. They said I could run up and down the plane if I wanted, I had all the space to myself. It was so peaceful and I got a lot of work done.

“I didn’t even have to wait for my luggage, It just got handed to me when I got off the plane.

“Funnily enough, the same plane going back was booked with 189 passengers heading back home.”

A spokeswoman for JET2 said: “We’re delighted Karon got to experience our VIP customer service in style.

“It is not unusual for the final outbound flight of the season to have fewer bookings than normal. We hope Karon has a fantastic time in Crete.”

Do you think you’d like to take a flight by yourself?

Hero image credit: Twitter / 188BET

travel, International travel, flight, plane, Air travel, aeroplane, Jet2