Alex O'Brien
International Travel

6 times it’s okay to treat yourself while travelling

We spend so much time looking for ways to save money while travelling we can sometimes forget to enjoy our trip! But sometimes you should feel comfortable splurging.

Here are six times you should treat yourself while you’re travelling.

1. Getting a big of legroom on a long haul flight

While we’re not suggesting bumping yourself up to business class, if you’re staring down the barrel of a long flight and have the means to do so, consider upgrading to premium economy. A few little touches make premium economy a much more comfortable.

2. Forking out for a nice, local meal

There are few better ways to discover and understand a new culture than partaking in the local cuisine. And while exploring the local markets is fine, you should also give yourself a chance to enjoy a meal at a local restaurant. The experience is one you won’t forget.

3. Spur of the moment treats

Standing next to the Trevi Fountain and feel like another gelato? Like the look of that bracelet you noticed at the market? Well, you’re on holidays! Little treats like this will become memories of your trip, so don’t be afraid to spend money on spur of the moment items.

4. Once in a lifetime experiences

Certain travel experiences are quite expensive such as hiking Machu Picchu or diving in the Great Barrier Reef, but there’s a reason. These travel experiences are generally well worth the expense, so don’t be afraid to fork out a little bit extra to save money.

5. A memorable (or even daggy) souvenir

While there are certain things that you see in a tourist shop that aren’t worth getting, other memorable souvenirs are worth spending a little bit of money on. Even if it’s a little daggy, it might just provide the great story to remember your trip.

6. A spur of the moment change to your itinerary

Everyone’s had the experience where, in the midst of a trip, they’ve found themselves confronted with the possibility of an abrupt itinerary change. And while many people might be turned off this sort of thing, it can actually lead to a memorable journey.

Do you agree with our list? Do you think there are any other travel luxuries that are worth spending a little bit extra on? Let us know in the comments.

Related links:

10 secret travel tips that will save you money

7 ways to avoid overspending on holiday

How to keep your money safe while travelling

travel, holiday, money, treat, splurge