Alex O'Brien
International Travel

Bearded man mistaken for girlfriend on international flight

A burly bouncer was allowed to fly from England to Germany, despite looking nothing like the petite brown-haired beauty shown on his passport.

The shocking security stuff-up happened when 6'3" bouncer Josh Reed picked up his girlfriend's passport by mistake as he made his way to London's Stansted Airport to jet off on a football trip.

It wasn't until the Ryanair flight had landed in Dortmund that Reed realised he was actually carrying the passport of his pregnant partner.

Despite increased security measures around the world - not one person noticed that Reed was flying on a different passport.

Speaking to TheLadBible, Reed told of his shock at the mistake.

"I was just completely shocked at how the hell I look like a small brunette female.

"It's terrible that it wasn't noticed at all."

Luckily Reed was able to get through German security using his driver’s licence. His girlfriend then managed to courier his passport to him for the return leg home.

"Just makes me wonder how many people are going in and out of the country with passports that look like them, let alone a opposite sex passport," Reed added.

This is not as uncommon as people might think. Just last week there was a story about a woman who managed to board the wrong plane, with the wrong airline - all under the wrong name.

The incident is reported to have happened at Taiwan Airport when a woman, known as "Ms Hong" was flying to Hong Kong.

The first error in the series of incredible events happened when she checked into the Cathay Pacific desk - instead of Hong Kong Airlines.

Despite checking in with the wrong carrier, Hong was processed. She was also holding a boarding pass that belonged to a man with the same surname, also flying to Hong Kong.

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travel, flying, London, AIrport, Germany