Alex O'Brien
International Travel

Footage captures beauty of Great Barrier Reef

Last month we reported coral bleaching is putting the future of the Great Barrier Reef at risk. This is why it’s so important to remind ourselves as to how spectacular reef was at its peak, and why it’s worth whatever effort it takes to keep it intact.

This video was taken in 2011 at Ribbon Reef and features a selection of bright coral and inquisitive marine creatures, recorded by a diving crew exploring the area.

If it doesn’t make you want to do something about the reef, we don’t know what will!

The video is four minutes long but is worth watching the whole way through. It provides an enthralling look at one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world.

Video credit: Vimeo / Undersea Productions

Related links:

Coral beaching puts future of Great Barrier Reef at risk

Time-lapse video captures beauty of Ningaloo Marine Park

Dive of discovery off the Great Barrier Reef

australia, travel, Queensland, Great Barrier Reef, nature