International Travel

Mistakes to avoid while shopping on holiday

Holiday shopping can be the most exciting kind of shopping there is. Everything is new and there’s a bargain to be found around every corner. Still, in order to enjoy your time shopping on holiday to the max, there are a few things you’d do well to avoid.

Don’t forget to bargain – Just because an object has a listed price doesn’t always mean it’s set in stone (or ink.) If you’re shopping in the type of establishment where bartering is a norm, don’t be afraid to ask for a lower price or a deal if you buy more than one item. Offer your best price and go from there.

Don’t forget what you have at home – While you’re shopping away from home it can be easy to forget what you have in your closet. As a result, you may end up with several extremely similar items. Sure, everyone has a certain aesthetic that they love, but keep this in mind while shopping abroad.

Don’t forget to translate – Make sure you’re translating the currency you’re spending into Australian currency while shopping so you don’t overspend without realising it. Better yet, before you leave on holiday, convert your money and set a daily budget for holiday shopping.

Don’t impulse buy – How many times have you bought something you thought you had to have, only to get home and realise it was lust and not love? This is increased tenfold on holiday, when everything comes with the novelty of newness. Give each item you buy some consideration and don’t purchase it just because it’s there. This goes especially for the duty free at the airport.

Don’t shop and drink – No really. Holidays are for relaxing, we understand that. But if you have one too many and decide to go for a shopping spree, you may come back with a dozen more sombreros than you ever thought you’d need because, “They were on sale!”

tips, holidays, travel, shopping, travel international, vacations