Michelle Reed
International Travel

5-star hotel “hires” pug as concierge

Truly exceptional staff members are enough to ensure return customers in the hospitality industry. Especially when those staff members show a unique “breed” of customer service.

Meet Parker, the one-eyed rescue pug that has just been “hired” as the new concierge of an upmarket hotel.

Walter Brindall, the general manager of The Park Hyatt on Chicago’s famous Magnificent Mile, rescued Parker from animal welfare group PAWS. The five-year-old pooch was rescued in Tennessee, suffering from an irreparably damaged eye, painful skin tags, rotting teeth and a urinary tract infection. The poor bub!

Now, Parker is enjoying a new life as a working pug. Her duties include sleeping behind the front desk, following staff to meetings, riding the elevators and even escorting guests to their rooms.

Brindell said she was the perfect dog for the hotel because she was friendly without being overly excitable.

“She’s a very quiet, reserved pup, and she loves everybody,” Brindell told the Chicago Tribune.

Parker does serve a very important purpose in the hotel however, bringing joy to guests and staff members alike. Decked out in a Burberry bandana that puts everyone else’s work uniform to shame, Parker is happy to pose for many a picture. 

Scroll through the gallery to see a few of the precious snaps.

Does your pet have an important “job”? Let us know in the comments below. 

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travel, animals, hotel, cute, pug