Georgia Dixon
International Travel

Is it safe to visit the UK?

Earlier this week, the world was rocked by the horrific and senseless terror attack on concertgoers in Manchester. Naturally, it has people questioning the safety of travelling to one of the world’s most popular destinations – the UK. With the terror threat throughout the country raised from “severe” to “critical” for the first time in nearly 10 years, should we still be visiting Great Britain?

By definition, the “critical” terror threat means an attack may be imminent, and as a result, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade advise travellers to exercise a “high degree of caution.”

Smartraveller also advises Aussie travellers should “avoid the area surrounding the Manchester Arena and anticipate significant transport delays in the Manchester area.”

Here are their general recommendations for those about to travel to an area with a “high degree of caution” warning, according to their website.

UK, travel, safety, terrorism, Manchester attack