Georgia Dixon
International Travel

Julie Bishop under fire over $1.2 million expenses bill

The Liberal Party is in damage control after Labor questioned Foreign Minister Julie Bishop’s $1.2 million expenses bill, which included attending the premiere of Thor: Ragnarok and spending a day at the polo.

However, Attorney-General George Brandis has hit back at claims of overspending, describing Bishop as “one of the most experienced and most respected ministers in the Australian government”. 

“[She] is well aware of the standards and is always observant of them," he added.

At the film screening, Bishop reportedly said, “It does add a great deal to the Australian economy and it will raise our profile overseas as a sophisticated, creative nation.”

Senator Brandis claims he was not aware of the date nor nature of the event. 

“It may be the case that she attended this particular event in the role she assumed as Foreign Minister in advocating Australia’s interests including ... the promotion, particularly in the United States, of the Australian cinema and film industry,” he said.

“I know her advocating of the Australian film industry was greatly appreciated by the industry and very effective.”

Tell us in the comments below, do you think it’s fair for government employees to charge such events to the public purse? Or should there be tighter limits on how much they spend?

Julie Bishop, expenses, Liberal Party, Labor, Foreign Minister