Ben Squires
International Travel

Qantas pilot proposes to wife mid-flight

Having your partner pop the big question can be a daunting experience at the best of times, so you can only imagine how the woman in this video felt when her husband, the man piloting the plane, made an unusual in-flight announcement.

Captain Ellis has been a veteran pilot of 30 years, and used his flight from Melbourne to South America to propose to his wife, who is sitting in business class.

But did she say yes? Watch the moment unfold below:

Captain Ellis says from the cockpit, “Her name is Ana. She’s travelling back to South America now to visit her family and I want to make sure she comes back to me.”

Captain Ellis proposes to Ana twice, first in Spanish and then in English, and thankfully she said yes! Otherwise you probably would’ve wanted the co-pilot to take the controls for the rest of the trip.

Do you have any good proposal stories?

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travel, qantas, Marraige, Travel Interational