Alex O'Brien
International Travel

Spanish street artist turns walls into visual illusions

Some artists will splash colours on a canvas. Others mould shapes out of clay. And there are those who choose an entirely different medium to bring their art into the world.

Pejac, a street artist from Spain, is one such artist who has developed quite a reputation for creating eye-catching works using unconventional methods.

His latest works are a great example of this.

Taken from the streets of Paris, Pejac has transformed a series of innocuous looking walls into visual illusions that capture the attention of anyone who passes by.

To see all the images, scroll through the gallery above. We’ve featured three of Pejac’s best pieces, and you can see more of his work here.

Which image is your favourite? Let us know in the comments below.

Image credit: Facebook / Pejac

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travel, art, Spain, illusion, street art