Melody Teh
International Travel

6 strange McDonald’s burgers you can’t get in New Zealand

There’s no doubt fast food chain McDonald’s is truly a worldwide phenomenon. Wherever you go in the world you can almost be guaranteed you’ll be able to spot the Golden Arches. Perhaps what has made McDonald’s popular on a global scale is their ability to adapt their menu to the local culture and tastes. The result? Some very interesting burgers options that we’ve never heard of!

India: The Chicken Maharaja Mac (pictured above) 

As India is predominantly a Hindu country (cows are sacred in Hinduism), beef is not a viable – and in some cases, legal – option for a Big Mac. Instead of beef patties, Big Macs are made of chicken. There’s no pickles either, instead India’s version has jalapenos and a fiery habanero sauce.

Japan: The Teriyaki McBurger

Home of teriyaki chicken, it’s no surprise the Japanese version of McDonalds has incorporated teriyaki sauce in their burgers. The burger also forgoes the beef for a pork meat patty.

Sweden: The McToast

Also available in a few other European nations, this breakfast burger is little more than slices of ham and cheese between two burger buns. However, the strangest part is the buns are turned inside out and toast on top.

Greece: The Greek Mac

It’s all the ingredients of a Big Mac without the buns. Instead, the Greek Mac is housed in a half-folded pita bread. And there’s no Big Mac secret special sauce, the sauce of choice is a tzatziki. 

Turkey: The Kofteburger

This twist on the Quarter Pounder uses a kofte-style patty, complete with spiced mincemeat, instead of your standard beef patty. Think kebab-style burger.

Portugal: The McBifana

Thebifana is Portugal's national sandwich, consisting of pork (usually stewed but you can use grilled pork) in bread. McDonald’s has jumped on board with their version called the McBifani. It’s essentially two pork patties inside a semi-crusty roll with a slightly sour sauce.

Would you like to see any of these burgers on our menu? 

travel, burgers, travel international, McDonald's