Georgia Dixon
International Travel

Tasmanian government flags potential campervan ban

Tasmania could ban the "vile, sexist and misogynistic" Wicked campervans from entering the state, says Infrastructure Minister Rene Hidding.

The vans are emblazoned with controversial slogans, often insulting women and girls and also depict cartoon characters using drugs and alcohol, and can spend up to three months in Tasmania.

"I have been investigating possible regulatory or legislative options to stop these vile, sexist and misogynistic vans from operating in Tasmania," Mr Hidding said.

On Thursday, Queensland Attorney-General Yvette D'Ath said the government would introduce legislation that would see vehicles with slogans that "fail to comply with determinations by the Advertising Standards Bureau" face deregistration.

However, the legislation would only affect Wicked Campers' Queensland-registered vehicles, meaning there was nothing to stop the company's interstate-registered vehicles being driven on the state's roads.

Meanwhile, another Wicked campervan was recently classified as objectionable and banned by the NZ Classification Office.

The van has a picture of Goofy smoking a bong, with the statement: "Stoned!" The censors said it was another example of the chain using a well-known children's character to present drug use in a subversive way.

Do you agree with the potential ban? What’s your take on the situation?

Let us know in the comments below.

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australia, travel, Tasmania, campervan, Wicked Campers