Danielle McCarthy
International Travel

This confused peacock is trying to flirt with a chicken

Odds are you’ve resonated with the old saying, “You can’t help who you fall in love with,” at some point (or maybe multiple points) in your life. Well, if this video is anything to go by, it seems like it also rings true in the animal world.

In the video, a brightly-coloured, smitten (and somewhat confused) male peacock at Symbio Wildlife Park tries to use his charms to capture the attention of a nearby chicken.

But as you can see, the chicken isn’t having anything.

The nonplussed bird couldn’t be any less interested, despite the intricate display.

But hey, I’m sure we’ve all been there before!

Have you ever seen a peacock?

Video credit: Symbio Wildlife Park via Storyful

travel, chicken, domestic, trying, confused, peacock, flirt